Speaking of Sanibel:

There was alot of hype about Sanibel being sold out before it was even shipped, yet I can walk into a few area dealers and still see them on the shelves for retail. Granted it is a wonderful piece and has a prime spot in my curio, but I think the reason there are still some to be found at retail is the fact it is an expensvie HL and not one to be purchased by a non-HL collector who may want it as a momento of a trip to Florida.

I do believe that someday Sanibel will appreciate in value and become one of the more valuable HLs. At the present time, I'm happy to just appreciate it myself as I view it with all my other favorite HLs (including GLOWS) in my display curios.

That's the word from the East Coast where it's overcast and 35 degrees.