I just perused this topic briefly so forgive me if I post something that's a repeat, but I agree with what (among others) Greg said about it being a catch-all phrase when you say Happy Holidays, and though I respect different cultures that want to celebrate whatever they choose to call it, I say have a happy holiday if I have a question of ethnicity/belief, or sometimes it's just what comes out of my mouth; and it is better than singing a Mary Poppins song for everyone you meet (Supercalafragilistic... for those who were wondering) wink . I did speak to a Christian woman today that works for Pat Robertson's group (CBN) here in VA Beach today and she was looking for Hannukah candles as (the Jewish lady mentioned earlier) they celebrate both now. I wonder if the Christians and the Jews are becoming allies since the Jews were the "promised people", a good will gesture, or they realize that either one may not have all of the answers?!? wink :p


Health through education, for a much misguided nation!!