I have been a collector for about a year now and have a substantial investment of both time and money in my lights.

I do have a couple of comments (FWIW) about the number of products, amount of each and shipping concerns. As Sean said, I am starting to feel like a "Fruit of the Month" club member. In 1999 there have been 17 new LE releases along with the usual society piece, membership piece, society ornament, event piece, 4 new OE ornaments, GLOWS, the introduction of the This Little Light series, the character series and no telling what all else I missed. I know that HL is in BUSINESS, but are we (the HL extended family) missing the boat (oh yea, the Anchor Bay series) in allowing our treasures to become discounted so often as seen on e-bay?

From the recent edition sizes, I would say a lesson has been learned about the collectibility, saleability and shelf life of some of the products. The 6500 editions as well as the 8000 editions have been selling much more readily at retail. Dealers count on merchandise turnover and do not want to be a storage facility for any product. The longer a line sits on the shelf, the more likely they are to replace that space with a different line.

The shipping issue has become a joke all 'round. Every collector knows not to put much stock in the announced release date. I noticed at Rosemont the phrase that kept popping up when a date was mentioned was "Yea,Right". BY & Kim, take a look back at your textbook retailing 101...under promise over deliver. Announce a September release and let it show up on our shelves September 1

I do collect because I love the product and the concept...but, I sure would like to see my investment hold its value.

I would love to hear your comments. Thanks for allowing me to express my opinion.

[This message has been edited by SCombs (edited 10-08-99).]