>>it is my opinion that there is not the interest in them like HLs seems to draw. There is no raging debates on edition size, variations, etc... <<

Well, I certainly can't suggest we invite a bunch of boring people over here. LOL!

OK, gang, here's the lowdown on why I posted my original message. I'm not really interested in talking to Seve or Mr.Danbury, or Ms. Lefton. But I wasn't too thrilled with seeing the forums renamed to the generic "Collector Forums". Sure if you're already here you probably don't care what they're called. But a rather bland generic name doesn't really seem to do justice to this place. And there certainly seems to be sufficient fervor in maintaining our cliquish (albeit warranted) allegiance to les models HL.

As was pointed out, seeing 'Collector Forums' show up in a search listing doesn't really give much help to someone looking for info on Harbour Lights models. Granted you can get here from HL-dot-com (but you can't get there from here) - but as an independent forum, it only seems right that folks should know what this place is by its name. Hence the suggestion to call this place something that might lend a clue. In fact a generic name like "Collector Forums" may be more likely to attract just about anyone. And by the comments thus far, most folks certainly don't want that. After all, when you think about it this place is like a national (galactic?) level club for HL collectors. If HL doesn't want the place called what it used to be called then the first suggestion was to name it the "Lighthouse Model Collector Forum". If that doesn't grab you fancy, then what does?

I'll start another thread here in the FSB to see if anyone has any better suggestions. Somehow I don't think "Nuclear Submarine Brokerage Forum" sets the right tone. And Sean will sick the Beaver on anyone suggesting "GLOW World". LOL!
