Now I don't want anyone to be "too" jealous but I simply have to tell all forumites that I received a phone call from Kim this morning. Now this alone is quite exciting. She did ask me if I would be coming to Long Beach thinking that as I lived in Phoenix it would be a short trip. Naturally when she saw that it was Phoenix, New York she agreed that it would be quite a long trip. (Are you bored yet? Hang on, it gets better.) So why would Kim be calling me anyway???? Just to chat? Of course not! She was merely calling to tell me that I was one of the contest winners. Did I win a trip, a stay in a B&B LH or an artist's proof? No way. I "only" won the opportunity to choose a future HL! Can you stand it? Was I excited? You bet I was! She asked me to be thinking about 2, in case one wouldn't be feasible to do. Naturally I expect that you will help me with my decision. I only ask that you make no more than 2 suggestions each and that Statue of Liberty is not one of them!!!! So post your suggestions rather quickly please as Kim said she would be getting back to me sometime after Long Beach.
