
Must be where you live because down here in Florida to ship UPS w/insurance runs an average of $11.00-$13.00 depending if your shipping to the east coast or the west coast.
Not to pick on Rich, but I've heard that line before, and it just isn't true. I think that it has been reinforced so many times, that everyone starts to believe it. Just check the UPS.com website. To ship a 2 lb. package insured for $100.00 from his zip code in Florida to 97523 (Oregon) costs $6.53. You can't ship it much further away without leaving the country. Double the weight, and it's $7.80. Double the insurance and the weight, and it's still only $8.15. Even if you can't leave your house and they come to pick it up, it's under $10.00. If you're shipping to a business address, it's even less. The only reason the $12.00 - $15.00 shipping holds up, is that so many sellers are doing it. What is most frustrating is when they ship it U.S. postal service, and you get to see the sticker with the actual cost on the package. I've only sold in the marketplace once. I shipped two pieces insured for $250.00 and charged the guy $10.00 (thinking I would need it for the extra weight and insurance). I still made $2.00 extra profit! If you find something you like, e-mail the seller and let them know shipping is cheaper than that. Maybe at some point, the shipping charges will get more realistic.