I don't spite anyone buying on eBay. I personally don't care for dealers who make every attempt to undercut other dealers who are trying to survive without doing that (undercut). I don't do eBay, personal choice. I did go to look at this person's auction and some things did stand out:

* Doesn't list his location, so it appears he only wants to disclose that to his customers. He may well be HL dealer, but he hides behind his auction business name. To me, that is a legitimacy issue.
* I didn't see a mention that he doesn't have this piece in hand yet. Since he has made many, many sales and has a very positive feedback record I will presume he will tell a buyer that the piece is not yet available to ship. However, I do believe he should fully disclose in his listing if the piece is not yet here.

If this person does sell all the new HL releases at issue price, I seriously doubt Lighthouse Marketing would shut them off because they want the sales. They would just be using eBay as a marketing tool and additional sales outlet.

You made an awful lot of assumptions about me and what I said. I made absolutely no mention of your buying habits and did not chastise you in any way for buying on eBay. I do realize that many choose to purchase this way and it is a perfectly fine way to add to your collections. Any issue I would have is with a dealer listing a brand new piece at a discount and under an alias.

Everyone realizes that their collections are no longer worth issue prices and do sell them for less than they paid. Fact of life. I helped a friend sell off their father-in-law's collection and the majority of those did not bring retail.

I did err in making a quick response (partly because of comments in other threads that it sometimes seems people aren't reading threads because replies aren't posted). We have had discussions over the years of people buying at a premium in an eBay auction a product they could buy at retail without having to look too hard. My fault for not going into more depth about why I said what I said. I have been around a few weeks and watched those discussions as they originally unfolded.

Trust me, the missing link to the WP order page is probably more frustrating to me than to anyone. There is not a thing I can do to fix it - the only person who can do so has been asked to get it repaired on multiple occassions. I try to work around the broken link. Rich tries to include a note about the WP piece and how to contact me when he welcomes new members. Some folks just click on the icons in my posts and send me a note about purchasing one. And, as you know, we do have several dealers that are graciously offering the WP to their customers.