Ah, an opening to vent my real frustration! GLOWS!!!!!! If Harbour lights would only discontinue their GLOW line, the secondary market on limited editions would take care of itself. Let's take an unofficial poll if we can. I'm willing to take a SWAG that right now 50% of the so called avid Harbour Lights LE collectors have at least 15% of their collection made up of GLOWS. The only reason they have bought these GLOWS is they did not want to or could not afford to get the real thing. If they could not afford to get the real thing, then bless them for at least buying a GLOW to fill in the hole. But, if they did not want to for whatever reason, then shame on them for even having the GLOW and not buying the real thing. I've sat an read many posts where a collecto is excited about buying a new GLOW when the "Real Thing" is out there at maybe $10-$20 dollars over retail price on the Marketplace.(Example: I have a fifth Order, 3rd order and 3 1/2 Order lens set that I asking retail price of $255.00 + 20.00 UPS shipping and I haven't had one responce on it.) I'll bet you Krispies Kremes on Monday morning that is they brought out A GLOW Fifth Order Lens tommorrow a collector would buy this GLOW rather then pay the $20.00 shipping. We are our own worst enemies buying these Glows and then complaining about the Secondary Market. I hope this new line meets with high success because at least Harbour Lights will be making a buck off something that is not destoying the secondary market.

An old retired Coasties fantacy at 0047 hrs.

Rich mad mad mad mad
