You all really need to give the new owner of Harbour Lights a chance to complete the transition and settle in at the "helm". It is good that people address their concerns so HL will know how their customers feel about certain business practices.

We should never lose sight of the fact that our group of connected collectors here is small when compared to the amount of customers that also buy HL's. It is nice that we are able to speak up about our concerns, and have those concerns addressed here at the CF.

I say let Harbour Lights do what they have to do to succeed. I do not want them to disappear. If they need to charge more to support their own retail outlet, so be it. You can always get your HL's from other dealers who may be offering an incentive to get your business. It is my understanding that various dealers don't charge for shipping and if you are out-of-state there is no sales tax.

smile Bob smile