We started collecting 12/97 and at this time need 15 LE's to complete the collection, most of which are still readily available at retail. I'm afraid some of the fun dwindles once we obtain all of them, so we slowly sneak up on it. We just became the proud owners of our 3rd CH1 (1 white tip and 2 green), we have both Burrows, Coquille, both Assateagues, all the green waters etc.
We also have 4 AB's and a couple of Glows and one LLOM. Like Tim, the best part has been meeting fellow collectors, visiting the different lighthouses, spending time on the forums. If it wasn't for the people at Harbour Lights and many friends we have made and continue to hopefully meet, we might have stopped at Charlotte (our home light) and the first HL purchased instead of the financially
ravaged WACKO collectors we have become.
