Its time for an end of the year opportunity drawing, and this one will be very special! Included will be the ONLY Paint Sample, an AP and a single digit model. On the info page , John has a nice explanation of what the paint sample is for those who may not know. Because the Paint Sample is being included the opportunity pricing schedule is a little different: a single opportunity will be $10, three will be $25.

Here's the scoop:

• This opportunity drawing will run thru December 21st at 9 PM EST.
• Opportunities will be $10 each or 3 for $25.
• Payment may be sent by check or you can use the PayPal buttons after completing the form on the info page .
• I will hold a drawing shortly after 9 PM on the 21st.
• We must sell at least $500 worth of opportunities or the drawing will be delayed until we have reached that amount. Don't think this will be an issue, but we just have to have a disclaimer.
• You will not receive a ticket, but will receive an email confirmation when I receive your payment.
• PLEASE print legibly!
• The first name drawn will win the Paint Sample, the second will win the AP, the last will win the single digit piece.
• Winners will be notified either by email or phone. I plan to have the pieces ready to ship so they can go into the mail on Saturday, 12/22. No promises as I won't live at the post office that morning, but they will go by Priority Mail so you would hopefully have your winning by Christmas Eve.

Checks need to be made out to me and mailed to:

Dave Hannum
PO Box 5
Kokomo IN 46903-0005

As is my norm, I will notify you when I have received your payment, whether by check mailed or by PayPal. As always, your use of checks is appreciated since it puts a little more into the fund to support the Forums and lighthouse preservation. That said, you may use a credit card on the PayPal link. You do not have to be a PayPal member to use PayPal for payment.

One last note: The only person not eligible to participate in this drawing is me. I have told the other committee members that they may participate in this one time opportunity to own the ONLY paint sample piece.

Thanks for your support in the past, and for your participation in this effort.