My dealer (who has recently cancelled her autoships of new pieces) carried only the LE's and the GLOW's. She did get the very first set of LLOM's but no more. She also got the first 6 or so AB's but then stopped them.

So I suppose not all dealers carry the same items. Some "full fledged" dealers carry everything I guess. Some newer "dealers" carry only LLOM's.

So I imagine that a dealer must have some latitude as to what they order. Maybe some of the trouble is not with HL but with the reps talking the dealers into stocking more stuff than they can sell, or inappropriate stock for their clientele, location??? And, on the other hand, perhaps some dealers don't know when to say "no"?
It's not that most stores don't have other merchandise to think about.

I still think the main culprit was the 9500 and 10000 edition sizes as well as the sheer volumes of LE's being cranked out by HL. Dealers were probably selling the smaller edition limiteds ok so just continued to let the pieces roll into their stores. Then the bottom dropped out and they were stuck with a large inventory. Maybe those who are taking a chance with LLOM's and the other less expensive HL products are some who got burned with the high edition limiteds?

Perhaps instead of complaining so much we can direct our non HL lighthouse friends to the HL line, explaining the various products with an emphasis on the limiteds? Hey we don't have to tell them that those large edition sized pieces aren't worth the money to blow them to kingdom come. (It will take them a while to find that out and by then we'll have time to find new friends, lol!)