The price increase on the LLOM was going to happen no matter who owns the company. The prices on LEs and GLOWS has also been sneaking up over the years. Those of you that buy Harbour Lights know that a company must make a profit to stay in business. Those of you that buy from Ebay rather then a dealer will also pay a little higher. It is a way of life so we must learn to live with it.

My complaint with the price increase for the LLOM is the automatic shipping increase of a dollar based on the fact that anything under $15.00 is $5.99 shipping and anything $15.00 to $25.00 is $6.99 shipping. That is pure unadulterated profit to Lighthouse Depot. The LLOM weighs the same and is the same size going to the same destination. The shipping costs has been my one and only complaint and has kept me from buying many items from this company over the years. I grit my teeth every time I order one of their special HL pieces from them because of the shipping costs. It's not that I can't afford the costs, it is the fact that this is a corporation's way of ripping off the general public. If I buy an item that weights a pound and is a certain size and it's value is $15.00, the same shipping costs should apply to any other item that weighs a pound and is the same size even though it's value is $100.00. Remember the first $100.00 insurance is included in UPS and FEDEX shipping costs so there is no reason to have different shipping costs based on price.

This is my 2 cents worth on the subject.
