Originally posted by Dave H:
... then there would be the ability to sell the current stock at the old prices, with the new stock being priced appropriately as it is put out. Can't do the same in a catalog situation...Catalog pretty much has to show one price, be it the old or new one.
That's correct and I agree 100%. But I also feel that a disclaimer could be put in ie "as soon as existing stock is gone the new prices will take affect". I have - every once in a blue moon - seen this in other publications. They have enough "notes" for other things when it suits their purpose. It just gets tiring - getting the short end of the stick like this most of the time. And I don't want to hear that's life. That's life because no one stands up for what's right anymore! Like in the the movie (can't remember the name, maybe Network?) "go to the window open it and holler out, I'm mad as hell and just won't take it anymore!" mad

smile cool

Tom K

:) :cool: