When we had posted the Little Light price increases here last week, we had just met and talked with Tony Constantino at the Boston Gift Show. The $21.95 Little Lights did not go up in price because they determined that $21.95 was as high as the customer would pay for a Little Light.

They also determined that even though the costs have increased to produce GLOWS and limiteds, they didn't feel they could go increase those prices at this time, especially since overall sales are way down.

Tony also said that retailers would be allowed to order Little Lights (by last Friday) one final time at the old wholesale price. This allowed us to stock up on some of our local lighthouses for the next couple months, and keep the old retail price. We will maintain the OLD retail price for any Little Lights that were purchased at the OLD wholesale price. We will only raise the price of each Little Light as we replace it with the higher priced stock. We feel that most retailers will choose the other option, either for (1) ease of pricing or (2) greed. There is a certain LARGE lighthouse retailer who will look at this as an opportunity to make a higher profit margin, as they have done in other similar situations.