One thing to remember when lighthousing in this area is that ferries almost always leave on schedule so DO NOT tempt fate and cut it close even on weekdays. My recent trip to the area was great but I missed the last Port Townsend ferry to Whidbey Island (where we stayed with friends). This caused us to rush to make the last ferry to Seattle in an attempt to reach the last Mukilteo to Whidbey ferry. We made it on the Seattle ferry but missed the Mukilteo one by five minutes and had to see it pull away from the dock without us. It was a long 2 hour trip up to Deception Pass and down Whidbey to Oak Harbor and I DO NOT recommend it especially after driving all day from Tillamook Oregon.

As far as lighthouses to see, definately take the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry and head over to the Whidbey Island-Port Townsend ferry to see Point Wilson and the old Marrowstone Point site. If your in to old forts check out the state parks these lighthouses are in. Fort Worden for Point Wilson Light and Fort Flager for Marrowstone Point. After visiting these two consider taking the Port Townsend-Whidbey Island ferry and going into Fort Casey State park, where you will find Admiralty Inlet Lighthouse. Continue up to the town of Coupeville which has a Harbour Lights dealer and many many other great little shops along the waterfront area. Leaving Whidbey via the Clinton-Mukilteo will bring you back to Seattle. Not to mention you get to see Mukilteo lighthouse twice! Good Luck on your trip and have a great time! I sure did