Thursday at Campobello

This is the Owen House Bed & Breakfast where we stayed for two nights on the Island.. It was very nice.. The Breen's went back down the coastline on Wednesday to Bar Harbor on their way home..

The spider's had kept busy that morning!
As we were heading out to explore the rest of the Island (and try to hook up with a whale watch boat ride), Sue asked there would be enough to do for a whole day.. I assured her there was!

We found a point in the Roosevelt Park where you have the closest view of the Lubec Channel Light...

We went back to the point to get more images of East Quoddy at high tide.. from a new viewing area near the new parking lot... and to see about the boat trip... they said they needed 5 to go on the trip and so far we were the only ones..

The new ladders look pretty cool at hight tide!

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!