I think there is an old saying that goes, " White sky in the morning, lighthouse photographer take warning!"
Yep, we got up to total overcast skies, but at least it wasn't raining, yet!

First stop Pemaquid... when the sky is white you try other things to make the shot..

On the way to Marshall Pt we passed by Tenants Harbor Light... It really is there, the house is right in the middle of the Island with the tower to the left of the house.. Some Tenant's harbor residents promised me that it was right there!

Marshall Point didn't come out bad even though it also is a white lighthouse against a white sky...

I thouht I would show the backside of the house for those who own the HL version to compare that side, also..

The white sky turned into a good case of fog by the time we reached Owl's Head...

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!