I went to Conn. last Memorial Day weekend and consider the trip to be a major disappointment. The cruise to Sheffield Island was definitely worth it. There are two cruises per day and I was on the early one. I could see two other caisson lighthouses on the trip out but my point and shoot didn't have a good enough telephoto lens to get decent photographs. May other lighthouses are out in the water or on private gated property. I did see Stratford Point from the end of the road. Nice wires in my photograph. I didn't stop at Lighthouse Park in East New Haven, having done that several years ago, but it is a good place. However because of the holiday weekend I had to pay a $20 parking fee (being out of state) to see Fayerweather Island. One can see Penfield Reef from the same park.
New London Harbor is also difficult to see although New London Ledge can be seen from many points on land. Just have a good telephoto lens.
Stonington Harbor is definitely worth visiting; nice museum and one can see Latimer Reef in the distance. Also Watch Hill, RI is a good place to visit but parking in town can be difficult. You must stop at the used bookstore in town, though. They must have ten postcard spinners with two of them devoted to lighthouse postcards. And not just RI and CT lighthouses. I saw postcards for NC and OR lighthouses.
This summer the NJLHS is sponsoring a RI lighthouse trip - a boat trip on Narragansett Bay on Saturday and then on Sunday a trip to Block Island. Now that I have a new camera I cannot wait to go.
