Hello Everyone,

Our National Lighthouse Day celebration went very well (at least I hope everyone thought so).

Mother Nature cooperated with us. It rained in the morning and I thought a cancellation would be in the works but she realized that this was important to us "lighthouse nuts" and gave us a break.

A few Harbour Lights wackos showed up, Noelle and her daughter, RScroope a.k.a Long Isalnd Bob and of course the Wildbird was there. We were also very fotunate to have Cliff Benfield and his wife come to the gathering. Cliff is the "main man" over at Horton Point Light and even with his bad knee he couldn't resist the tour.

The "Wildbird" had digital camera in hand and if we can be patient I'm sure there will be some photos. If they don't show up in the Forum they will be on his website.

My daughter Rachel became the officail tour guide later in the day and she worked the "gift shop" as well.

A big THANK YOU to the constable and his wife for allowing us to "invade" their home for the afternoon. They were gracious hosts and from comments they made they enjoyed the day as well.

If anyone else out there had a little get together please let us know. We would love to hear about it.
