Bruce, great picture. Would even make it worthwhile to get up at o-dark-hundred to enjoy it!

Every adult should have a government issued ID of some sort. If not a drivers license, then a state issue identity card. Everyone should have a copy of their birth certificate - if not, this would be a good reason to track one down. Our county now issues miniature versions of birth certificates,(about 1½ times the size of a credit card) that are laminated and embossed with the official seal making them legal and useable - and a whole lot easier to carry with you. Greg is still young enough that I believe the only requirement for him would be the birth certificate.

Greg, if you are trying to plot trips and travel plans, ask your parents to get you a copy of MS Streets & Trips so you can get an idea of travel time. And remember that even though you may not have a lot of traffic in Maine that the roads are seldom designed for high speed travel so you may only be making 35-40 MPH. The bad thing about lighthousing Maine is that you have to travel all the way out the "finger" to get to the light, then retrace your steps, go up one finger and repeat . . . .