I was hoping to get to meet some of the people I've gotten to know on these Forums, along with the added benefit of getting to see some hard to get to Lighthouses yesterday and today (9-30 &10-1.

Unfortunately it did not quite work out.

I was able to get to concord Point early enough to make the tour and dinner. So, i was lucky enough to get to spend some time with Derith, John , Sue & Paul, Mike & Patty , Gary & Kay Toth, Ryp & Sharon and Gail.

We had a very nice Tour of the Lightouse given by Father Bill. He gave a rundown of the history behind the Lighthouse and the area.

We had a special treat on the way to dinner- the rainbow that Paul showed you in his pictures. Derith found us a very nice place to eat- Price's in Havre de Grace. It has a limited menu, but I heard no one complaining about the food.

We parted company and went our seperate ways- part of the group was spending the night near Cambrige and the others (and I) were in Glen Burnie.

I discovered the real reason Dave Hannum picked the hotel we stayed at- there was a Krispie Kreme next door.

The plan was to go out on the Bay and check out some Lighthouses. This is the half I missed out on. I woke up early this morning under the weather , so to speak. I bailed on that part of the trip. I wanted to go, but it was just not feasible at that particular point in time.

I hope that part went well for Dave, Patty, Mike, Gary, Kay and Shirin.

I'm waiting for their report on it's success.

As I said, I know this might sound like heresy, but I feel I got the best part of the trip- meeting some of the friends i've made on the forum in the flesh. Thanks for the great evening and the understanding.

