I admit I don't know who the guy in the background is but I recognize JC.

Reminds me of the old joke (I'll make it shorter) about the guy who claimed he knew everyone in the world. He was challenged many times, but in each case, the person in fact knew Charlie.

Finally someone said "you don't know the Pope." "Oh, yes, I do, said Charlie." And after a few weeks, both Charlie and the Challenger found themselves at St. Peters square in Rome.

"Wait here," Charlie said. "The Pope and I will come out on the balcony and wave to you." So Charlie headed into the building and his friend was left standing below the balcony.

Suddently Charlie and someone dress all in white came on the balcony. The crowd that had gathered around cheered, but the challenger realized he couldn't be sure it was the Pope with his friend. So he asked the stranger standing next to him, "Who is that person dressed in white on the balcony?"

"You mean the man standing with Charlie?" the stranger replied.