Today it wasn't snowing, blowing or below zero (for a change). Since it was Jaker's birthday and we hadn't gotten together since his return to school after Christmas break we decided to break in my new car by taking it for a little jaunt.

We started with breakfast. Then I asked Jakers if he wanted to go see some real snow. So we headed north, first to Fulton and then on to Oswego. He thought Fulton had the most snow but Oswego didn't seem to be far behind.

Most everyone we encountered seemed to be taking advantage of the day. The lucky ones just getting out and about, the not so lucky ones were still digging out.

The harbor was pretty much frozen and the breakwater full of ice and snow. Lots of people were stopping along the road taking photos of the lighthouse. It was a real pretty sight when there was a break in the clouds so that the sun could shine on it. My photos don't really capture it as nice as it was.

In this more distant view the lighthouse is to the left. The blue roofed building is the yacht club.

The last time we were in this spot in September we saw sailboats!