Early last Thursday, Karen and I headed north, over hill and dale and Mackinac Bridge (in the rain) on our way to Sault Ste. Marie, MI. About 45 minutes out of the Soo the rain stopped and by the time we got to our motel the sun was out and that was a preview to our weekend.

Friday morning we boarded our cruise boat for a trip through the locks and up the St. Mary's River to visit lighthouses. We went through the MacArthur lock, rising 21 feet from the Lake Huron level to the Lake Superior level.

The first sighting was the Point Louise Range Light.

From there we cruised the river viewing many nice homes and nice coastline. In the middle of the river we passed a Stationary Light & Beacon.

Continuing on we cruised toward Point Iroquois Lighthouse, on the way we passed by the remains of the Round Island Lighthouse, not much to see since the trees have taken over. The view of Point Irquois was well worth the trip.

We then headed for the Canadian side of the lake and a chance to view Gros Cap Reef Lighthouse.

From here we followed the shore and headed back. We locked down through the Canadian locks, back to the Lake Huron level and back to dock.

A very enjoyable 4 1/2 hours and we would do it again.

From the soo we headed south back to Mackinaw City, taking a side trip to De Tour village to view De Tour Reef Lighthouse and Martin Reef Lighthouse. Both to far from shore to take pictures but we were able to see them both.

On to Mackinaw City where on Saturday we visited the craft show and some of the shops. Also went to the Nancy signing and as you know from our last post, Karen won the GOLD.

On Sunday morning we boarded the boat for the Shepler's Westward Lighthouse Cruise.

We cruised under the bridge which is a different view and headed west for White Shoal.

From here it was south to Gray's Reef. This is the first lighthouse we have seen with the name on the lighthouse. On the way there some of us got wet from the spray, but it was worth it.

A short trip east and we saw what is left of Waugoshance Shoal Light.

From here we started heading back for our last stop, St. Helena.

The cruise was narrated by two people from GLLKA. They were very informative and answered all questions asked.

Monday morning we headed home with two stops. The first was a box of fudge, and the second was to view McGulpin Point Lighthouse. Too many trees in the way for a good picture but was able to avoid the barking dog and get to see it a little.

We had a great time and now are looking forward to Alpena in October.

John & Karen