Thanks for all the comments, & thanks for the plug Dennis laugh
The challenge merchadise is also still available on the website, so even if any of you couldn't join us on LI for the challenge, the proceeds from the challenge merchandise help all the lighthouse groups here.

To make a little tradition out of what Dennis did last yr, I will be putting a set of challenge postcards, complete with the tin, up on Ebay & donate those proceeds also. I'll let you all know when I have it set up. Now that the challegnge is over, Hubby thought it best that I find the interior of our neglected house before I kept doing other He is a trooper though. He supports me in all my crazy ideas, including holding onto my belt as I hang over the cliff edges at Montauk to get the 'perfect angle'. Suppose I shouldn't tick him off huh? wink

Thanks again to all who joined us for the challenge. Your support is very much appreciated!

For now I'll give ya one more wink
Here's a new pic that I used for the challenge postcards...
Eatons Neck