Well...it looks like there is a change in plans for my break next week, but it's a good one.

I don't think I can go lighthousing without my dad's buisiness interfering. He sells marine antifouling systems to power plants, ships, etc. on the Great Lakes especially. There is a power plant in Detroit that is looking at using one of his systems. They want to meet with him in Buffalo to see the system he installed for their plant there. On Wednesday, one of the two days we HAD to be in Maine. So, it looks like Maine is off...though maybe only for two months--we are thinking that after I get off from school, at the end of June, might be good. So I'm still hoping on that one.

Meanwhile, we decided to do some lighthousing on Lake Ontario. Just the NY side--we don't have time now to go to Canada. I think we'll go up to Ogdensburg, then down the coast to Buffalo, where he will meet with these people. Then I'm thinking of going down maybe to Erie. We have to be home Thurs. night, and the meeting thing will probably take up half of Wednesday. We have to see my brother off to school on Mon, as my mom has an early appointment, and then we head north. So we have 2.5 days, with a half day/full day/half day/half day setup.

He says that we are going to be "spontaneous", a word not in Mr. Many Binders here's vocabulary. We have our Penrose, and we have a map. He likes doing this..."spontaneous" thing......, I do not. I obsess about whether the cooler will fit if we fold the smaller of the 60/40 seat down...and measured it. I don't good with spontaneity.

So...we have to see as much as we can in those days. We have to be home here in central Jersey by Thurs. night. What are "must see" lights> Of course we'll see the biggies. And the littleies. and the moderdatefameies. But we have to prioritize the list.

Also...for all of those who signed up for my ME postcard exchange, guess what? Today is your lucky day! I have decided that I will send you cards from Lake Ontario AND Maine when I get there. Two for the price of one! (Let's just forget the fact that it was free for you anyway.)

Thanks for the help with this new frontier. I've never seen a Great Lake before...I'm looking forward to it! laugh