The first lighthouse that I visited was on the island of Nassau in the Bahamas in the summer of 1969. I don't even recall the name of the lighthouse. I do remember that it was fun and that you could see out across the wonderfully blue water seemingly forever. I was 8 years old at the time and it seemed that I was in the most wonderful placed in the world. It was my first plane trip too. Unfortunately, I did not get to visit another lighthouse until August 1998, when we visited Cape May, NJ. As we arrived at the light, an ambulance was arriving too. It seems that it was so hot that day that someone had passed out while climbing the light, so we opted not to climb up. This summer, we visited 3 lights and made my first climb as an adult- to the top of St. Augustine light. What a view! A storm was rolling in and the sight was magnificent! I am terribly afraid of heights and climbing St.Augustine was not the easiest thing that I had ever done, but I now know that I am ready (and able!) to do it again. Too bad St. Louis is so far from any lights!

Chris G