Originally posted by fra02441:
I have gone on that trip 3 times. I always hit rain at some point. I went with Jenifer Selwa who is a friend of the CF. She knows the stae like the back of her hand. You have great shots and we always love a story. Keep it up.
I want to do it again because it has some of the best lighthouses.
I am glad that you are enjoying the read. Hopefully my future texts will maintain your interest as well. Michigan indeed has some great lighthouses though I am sorry to hear that rain seems to plague you on trips there. I hope that your next trip yields perfect weather. =)

Originally posted by Dave H:
Nice commentary, Tread. And, nice pictures. Exploring the Michigan coast is always fun. If you don't have the Penrose book on the Michigan lights it is the most helpful $15 you'll spend.

The Pepsi machine is newer to the area. Don't remember seeing it up there before. They do that is a number of areas. I recall an insert for I believe a Pepsi machine at the Fire Island light a few years ago. And, back in about 1999 I recall the first nicely done soda machine with an image of the Cape Lookout light. Think that one may have been a Coke machine.
Thanks for the compliments. I appreciate that. With regard to the Penrose book on Michigan Lighthouses, I do indeed have that book. It is definitely a great resource.....though I unfortunately forgot to bring it with me on the trip. What was I thinking? :b

I appreciate the info concerning the drink machines as I was wondering whether other lights had them as well. The fact that I have never been to Fire Island or Cape Lookout would explain why I haven't seen them before.


After leaving Point Iroquois, I proceeded to a light that captured my imagination from the first I had heard of it....Whitefish Point. Of the lights I have seen, this definitely deserves a spot in my top 5. Even though not all buildings were open to the public, there was a lot to see. I suppose that Whitefish will bear a certain significance as it was my first skeletal tower.....and was the first lighthouse that I had visited where I heard the fog signal.

In addition to the overall appearance of the site, there were enough engaging activities to last an entire day. In the building on the left of the picture below, there was a nice movie shown about the Edmund Fitzgerald. At the right of the pic, the keeper's house can be seen (I do have a better pic of the keeper's house but the 8 image limit won't allow me to post it here.).

In it is housed a nice museum.....gotta love the attention to detail on the figure. At first glance, he looked almost real...

Behind the keeper's house is another building that houses a few nautical artifacts. The guide here was very friendly.

Though the observation tower, oil house....

...and Coast Guard facility....

....were off limits, the gift shop was an easy target. :b

.....and the icing on the cake......a visit to the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum!

It is truly odd that a lighthouse enthusiast such as myself would live in one of the only 3 states east of the Mississippi that does not have a lighthouse. Go figure. :p