Doc, look for a copy of "Florida Lighthouse Trail" it's a little out of date as the book is now 10 years old, but a lot of the driving directions still work, Cape St. George would be the big exception as it is has been relocated. Things like open times and access issues are incorrect for most lights.

As for a guide to GA, the only thing I can think of is "Southern Lighthouses" by Ray Jones and Bruce Roberts. This book covers the more popular lights from NC's outer Banks to Cape Florida in Miami.

If you don't mind long days behind the wheel, than I would think you could visit all the lights south of JAX down to Jupiter inlet, this would be another 500 mile day. Of course Cape Canaveral can only able to be seen from a distance.

Heading north you could probably see lights up to Charleston SC. Another 500 mile day.

But when all is said and done I would print out the lighthouse friends directions and keep them with me. I like that they have the GPS location so I can plug in the Coordinates into my GPS and use that when all else fails.
