The first lighthouse I ever visited was Cape Arago Light when I was about six years old, a long time ago. I was so proud of myself when I climbed all the way to the top all by myself, then I looked down. I had to be carried down the stairs, I could see through the grates and it terrified me! My cousin had made friends with one of the "Coasties" stationed there. The men of the crew invited my family to have dinner with them and to have a tour of the station. I've never forgotten how nice everyone was to a curious little girl. At the time, the only way to get to the island was a swinging bridge. That was also pretty scary. The lighthouse is now closed, but I understand there is some talk of returning it to the Native Americans in the area for use as a cultural center. The island has eroded over the years due to the weather and surf, but it is still a beautiful place to me. I was there three years ago and took some photos of it from the nearby beach.

[This message has been edited by D'Wanda (edited 11-08-99).]
