My Mother-in-Law just returned from three weeks in the islands. Luckily she was able to locate both Diamond Head and Kilauea for me. She told me she was able to take many photographs of each, but hasn't had them developed yet. I can't wait to see them.

According to her, Kilauea was beautiful! The grounds were immaculate and the tower looked great. She was disappointed that they didn't allow people up into the tower though. Looking at a postcard she brought back, The aerial view of Kilauea is breathtaking. The lighthouse sits on a narrow rock outcropping, high above the ocean, with mountains behind it. Everything is very lush and green.

Diamond Head posed more of a challenge for her. She stated that the lighthouse wasn't very accessable to tourists. A fence seperated them from the lighthouse and they couldn't get very close for photographs. She and her traveling companion did jump one fence to gain better access, unfortunately, coming back over the fence, her companion fell, scraping up his leg pretty badly. I did commend them for their pursuit of the "perfect shot", and their newfound lighthousing skills.

Hopefully the pics turn out good. I will try to share them with everyone ASAP.

Thanks again Sylvia & Bob
You are wonderful!!!
