Okay kids here we go. I'm going to do a couple of days at a time so you won't get too bored. All of these pictures Patty took with the digital camera. I have a real problem with keeping the camera straight, so if a lighthouse looks like it's leaning--it really isn't it's just the photographer.

We decided that we weren't going to travel to Gray's Harbor. It would be at least a 3-hour drive up and back just to get to North Head.

Day 1 -- 1/28/01

We left Portland at 5:12 a.m.--mileage was 15610 and headed for Astoria. At 7:10 we stopped for breakfast and back on the road at 7:40 headed towards Washington. The 2+ mile bridge from Astoria to Washington wasn't too bad.

Arrived at North Head at 8:04--mileage was 15734 (124 miles from Portland).

At North Head we had some mechanical problems with the camera--will Mike ever learn to read the manual?? North Head was impressive with cliffs on both sides. You can now rent two of the three keepers quarters. (Sorry Jim, this light is nice but it's probably still one of my least favorite Harbour Lights!!)


From North Head it's a short two-mile drive to Cape Disappointment. We walked the 3/4 mile trial to the light. It is in great need of a paint job. Winds were high up on the cliffs.


We walked over to the Lewis and Clark Interpretative Center. Before going into the center, Mike decided to go looking for a photo "op". Off the trail he goes, down the cliff. After taking his pictures, a voluteer sees him coming out and tells him that 15 people have fallen off the cliffs and drowned.

We went into the Center where, after a quick self-directed tour, we read more about North Head and Cape Disappointment lighthouses. This is where North Head's original 1st order Fresnel is displayed.


Back to North Head for the tour of the light. Cost is $1.00 per person. The light has 64 steps with three landings--pretty easy compared to Barnegat.

Left North Head and headed back to Oregon. Drove to Ecola State Park to view Tillamook --mileage was now 15780 (44 miles from North Head). Beautiful park with great views of Cannon Beach. We had a nice, clear day so Tillamook was very visible. Acutally, we were surprised how clear we could see it. I couldn't get any good shots with the digital, Mike went off climbing the cliffs looking for his photo shot.

Back on the road towards Cape Meares for the last light of the day. Did not get to Cape Meares until almost 4:00 -- getting too dark for good pictures. Off we went down the trail where at the end you are face-to-face with the lantern room. After snapping off two quick pictures, Mike was at the end of his roll of film (can we say "put an extra roll in our pocket??")

Back on the road to Lincoln City where we decided to stop for the night. Found a nice hotel -- Liberty Inn with a great room with fireplace for $49 per night.

Day 2 -- 1/29/01

Left hotel at 6:13 a.m. mileage was 15885

Headed toward Newport to catch Yaquina Head at sunrise but we arrived too soon so found a place for breakfast and then it was back to Yaquina Head. After paying a $5.00 day-use fee we drove down to the end of the road (the lighthouse). Beautiful light in a great setting. We arrived around 7:15. Talk about change of weather. We arrived it was cloudy--then sunny--then downpour--then sunny--cloudy--more rain and hail. Mike had to clean the camera equipment twice after getting caught in the rain. Beautiful skys--pinks, purples, cloudy, clear, dark & stormy and a rainbow. Mike was trying to get me a picture of the rainbow when the second rain hit.


Once again the sun came out and we were headed toward Yaquina Bay. After a couple of quick pictures, we were on the road again. We were too early for either of the lights to be opened -- Yaquina Head at 10:00; Yaquina Bay at 12:00.


Next stop was Haceta Head. Because of scheduling hotels we did things backwards--we were staying at Haceta the next night and Bandon tonight so we had to backtrack the next day.

Mileage to Haceta was 15960 (75 miles from Lincoln City). Went to the State Park where the lighthouse access is available to the public. Decided to take the trial up to the light. Once we were up to the Keepers Quarters, Mike decided to go back to the car to get the cameras--the sun was out now and it might not be tomorrow when we stay here.

Up to the top of the trail--Lighthouse is beautiful but the wheels at the base of the lens broke so the light is not operational (more of that on the tour tomorrow). Area around Haceta is beautiful.

On the road to Umpqua. One thing about Oregon--they mark their lighthouses great. Umpqua has a beautiful 1st order Fresnel -- white with red panels. There is a sign about a gift shop 200 yards down the road. Huge gift shop. They are the HL dealer for Lighthouse Gallery. This store has everything lighthouses..a smaller version of Lighthouse Depot. Pat, the sales lady, was great. She made a quick phone call and we soon had a tour guide for the Lighthouse at a cost of $1.00 per person. Ed St. John was our tour guide. He lives right next door to the gift shop. He was very knowledgeable about the area and the light. The climb was similar to North Head's. But this lens--words cannot describe the beauty of this lens with the red panels in front of the Fresnel. When you look up inside the lens, all you see is red...Lighthouse is well kept.


Back on the road--damn forgot to have my passport stamped.

Mileage -- 16046 (161 from Lincoln City) we arrived at Coquille Lighthouse. This is Mike's favorite -- me, I think it looks like a coffin. Nice area with the well-famed driftwood. We are staying right across the Coquille River at the Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast. Great place--we were the only ones there--had the Grey Whale room with the lighthouse as our view out the windows on two sides of the room.


Dinner that night was at the Boat Works where our view was, of course, Coquille Lighthouse.

... to be continued ...

Mike & Patty

[This message has been edited by Kaiz (edited 02-09-2001).]