Continued from Pt 2;f=15;t=000837

We took a little bit of time getting out to thomas Point. I was a bit surprised when we got there, though.

I always had the impression that it was further off shore than it actually is. I always got the impression that it couldn't be viewed from land but it seemed to me that it could be seen from some points on land.

Here's some photos of Thomas Point-

Here again you can see that it also needs some loving care- which it will be getting soon. Shirin is already volunteering in another thread to work on it and nobody's even asked her yet. laugh

Here's a shot that Esther took of me in front of the lighthouse-

Here's one last shot just before we left for the trip back-

I took a couple of pictures as we motored our way back to the dock. the first one is the dome of the Cathedral on the Naval Academy grounds-

This last shot is of the Maryland Capitol Building-

We walked around the streets of Annapolis for a bit until it started to rain. luckily we had toured many of the sights the last time we were in annpolis- including the Naval Academy and the Capitol Building.

We went to see a movie that night. We saw The Notebook- a definite "chick" flick. I had one guy say to me as he went by to get to his seat- "Great at least here's one other guy here" .

I enjoyed the movie and I think there was even a fleeting glimpse of a Lighthouse in it. I can't be sure because it was only a split second shot.

I know it was filmed partially in south Carolina so it's possible.

The weekend was great except for the weather which actually could have been worse.
