One thing I back up - as John (kind of) said, allow more time for your stops than you will actually spend at the light. Example: if I stop at a roadside viewing point to snap a couple quick photos of an offshore light, then it usually takes me about a minute and a half from the time we stop the Rover to the time we're back on the road.

But in S&T, I programme the stop in for 10 minutes. That way, if there is traffic, or we get lost, or we stop for lunch (I don't programme that in, I never know...we have done sit-down meals, McDonalds, and sandwiches made in the boot of the Rover), or we are having tons of fun at a light, or whatever, I have that extra time in there that S&T doesn't put in there.

This has worked well for me. We've always seen all we want to see in the day, and sometimes even see extra lights.