Things to do in Key West.
1. Take the 70-mile boat trip to Fort Jefferson and see the fort Jefferson lighthouse and the loggerhead light at a distance. A 70-mile trip by water that goes past Sand Key Lighthouse. Two-hour boat trip each way and four hours at the fort. You can snorkel there also. Pick the boat that offers free drinks. It’s a better deal. You could also take a seaplane, but it cost a lot more and the amount of time at the fort is only two hours.
2. The aquarium. Neat, especially for children. You can touch the sea creatures.
3. Glass bottom boat is a must. There are three of them. Don’t take the nautilus (the one that looks like a submarine), it is only an hour trip and you don’t see much. Water too murky from cruise ships coming in and out. It only takes you to the end of the island where you just see a few fish because they feed them. The best one is the one that is a large ship. A two-hour trip that takes you way out past Sand key light. Crystal clear waters with sharks sea turtles, sting rays and all types of tropical fish and Coral. I think the name of the ship is the Discovery
4. Ride a PT boat for 50 bucks a head.
5. Shipwreck museum was fun.
6. Mallory Square at Sun set. Hundreds of people gather there at dusk to see the famous sun set that Ernest Hemingway wrote about.
7. The Hemingway house is neat.
8. Go down Duval Street and see all the night action. Visit the Hard Rock Cafe when you are there.
9. The tour train is also a must. It takes you throughout the island and shows you all the sights.
10. Of course the Key West Lighthouse. You can see Sand key from top of the light if the sky is clear.
11. American shoal can be viewed from Saddle Key. Just a few keys up from Key west.