
A few years ago I had the distinct pleasure of visiting Point Vicente and meeting Eric Castrobran. Have to say that he is most passionate about "his" light and has worked very hard to presrve it and to open it to visitation when possible. Apologize for the quality of the pictures, but the day I was there was very foggy and these are scans of photos. The lantern room is magnificent (as is the double bullseye bi-valve lens). Only light I can think of with colored astragals. (think that is what the 'window panes' are called...)

Our new member - USCG Lighthouse Keeper and Eric's son - has been a prime factor in the work done at Point Hueneme. The lighthouse itself is a newer one - 1941 I believe. While the style is fairly simple, it is also somewhat elegant in its simplicity. The lens displayed is the same one used in the original lighthouse that was similar in design to the Point Fermin Light. Unfortunately, when we were in the area the light was not open so we walked along the water to see the light and get a few pictures. (Hopefully my facts are correct.)