I too was always afraid of heights, Joanne.

I have found that if you make an effort to always go to the top of the tallest structures around, whenever you can, you will gradually overcome the fear and feel safer on each subsequent climb. It's very difficult at first, though.

I have forced myself onto the roof of the World Trade Center, outdoor observation platform of the Empire State Building, and observation floors of The Chrysler Building, Terminal Tower, Sears Tower, Pilgrim Monument, Perry Memorial, Washington Monument, Chimney Rock, and outside balconies of many tall lights. It has taken a long, long time to break the fear, but it doesn't quite bother me the way it used to. I still have major problems with ski lifts to the top of really high mountains, though. Seeing adventure movies with ski lifts crashing down hasn't helped much!

Becki always has a nice laugh watching me snap photos while holding on for dear life, but I am the one who always wants to climb something. Rollercoasters are another way of breaking the fear. Good luck...just at least keep trying.
Rod Watson

[This message has been edited by Rod Watson (edited 05-09-2000).]