MY brother-in-law, who recently passed away, wasn't a lighthouse person at all except for Nubble Light. He loved to go to York. He had this short poem about Maine on the wall of his home for years. Thought those of you who love Maine might enjoy it. The author is unknown.

Bert smile

The place I love

Of all the places that I have been,
Of the spots that I’ve ventured to see,
I feel the most at home on the shores of Maine
It’s the place where my heart longs to be.

I can lose myself by the ocean,
Watching gulls swooping down from the sky …
I’m just at peace with my toes in the sand,
It’s a freedom my soul can’t deny.

And though I may grow to be older,
I doubt that I ever will find,
A place on this earth where I can escape,
And enjoy such complete peace of mind!


No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. -Anonymous