Thanks for sharing some of your inside rumors, Mr Rumor Wrangler.
How are things at Area 51? I know that a lot of weird things have been happening there lately. I am glad you were able to take time from your busy schedule. I wanted to email you but I noticed that all email attachments have been removed from your post. Then I remembered that emails are not used at Area 51 since there are no phone lines there and that type of communication is archaic in a place where technology is so advanced.

Usually whenever I communicate to Area 51 I use a sub-space transmitter. When I don’t know which building I am communicating too I use a Takion beam and bounce it off the moon. That has its limits since the moon is only in the correct quadrant 7 days in a month. I do have a direct communication system to some friends I have over there. Maybe you know them, ET, Spock and Buck Rogers.

Here is a connection to the lighthouse stamps

New Lighthouse Stamps