Just returned from Oak Island and my favorite, Bald Head. Haven't lost my love for lighthouses. I've read Tony's response and having been in business I know you can't close the door on ALL or ANY opportunities. I also know when times are tough you rely on your "core base of customers." It's akin to me giving out a "free" dinner with your purchase of a $555.00 bottle of champagne. First of all NOTHING IS FREE. If I have to spend $555.00 ( cost of 6 summer limited editions) to get a "free" one, after I've spent at least that much for the January releases and got "NOTHING",
well it just tells me what us hard core collectors who purchased during the worst sale months of the year (January - May) are worth. So, therefore, I have to spend $1000.00. What Harbour Lights needs to consider is those that SHOWED THEIR SUPPORT. Nothing is cast in stone or in this case print(MUSINGS). In closing, this is, "IT STINKS #3".