Check out the latest LH Depot catalog; the book's in there.

I had the good fortune to work with John the last seven weeks. Believe me, the man was up day and night getting all that good info together. He'd be up at 4:30 AZ time and, a few hours later(TX time), I would join him. We worked together throughout the day; then, he'd be up half the night before he got a few hours' rest. The man is incredible! Anyway, we did a lot of reading, rereading, writing, rewriting, and adding and adding and adding. "Grace, guess what I just found in the garage." "Please, John, save it for the second edition!"

So not everything was proofed as well as I would have liked - so, don't be looking for the errors; believe me, you will find them!! Focus on the content!

As you may have noticed, I dropped out of the forums during those weeks - I just didn't have the time. But John did keep up with the forums and all of his other responsibilities. I've come to the conclusion that he is a major workaholic!

Really, though, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to John, Paul (the pictures are just gorgeous!), and all the wonderful people on the forums - and other collectors - who made so many contributions to this book. I learned so much working on it - I had to keep telling myself to focus on the task at hand because I would get so absorbed in the material. It is so packed with wonderful information and beautiful pictures!

The Official Collectors Guide to Harbour Lights should be the number one item on your Christmas list. I cannot rave enough about it!
