Just a bit of Information: If you were to have the reunion in Jacksonville - you have Amelia Island Lighthouse, St. John Lighthouse, Mayport Light Station, and St. Augustine.

Amelia Island is not open to the public, it has received a grant from the state to start renovations on the stairs and other problems with the light. You would need to contact the CG Auxilary or Hal Belcher which works closely with the CGA to be allowed onto the property. The property is surrounded by private homes of people that hate the idea of people swarming the area to see the lighthouse. You would not be able to cimb the tower due to the bad shape of the granite stairs. Though you can get wonderful pictures of the lighthouse from the grounds. And if you ask Hal real nice he may even show you the slide show of some old pictures of the Lighthouse and the old range lights that were once there. smile

The two Mayport/St. Johns Lights are on a very secure Navy Base. You would have to have a Military personel sponsor you or an ex-military personel sponsor you. I'm not sure how many people plan on visiting these two lights, but you may want to contact Andy Liliski of the Mayport Lighthouse Association, along with the Mayport Naval Base to set up times to visit the lights. They are both worth the trouble and begging it takes to get on the base. wink

St. Augustine, as you know, is always open to the public. I'm sure the person setting up the reunion will be able to contact the museum and get everyone in - you will want to contact Kathy Flemming on that.

Don't forget that Ponce Inlet is about 1 - 1½ hours from there also. That is another one that is open year round and is beautiful.

If you need any info or numbers, let me know. cool


Visit: www.floridalighthouses.org