I was at Battery Point Light about two weeks ago. The keepers live there. They get up each day, dress in period costumes and welcome the public into their home (for $2.00 a head - money goes into restoration). She explained that HL had approached them a few years ago, but she had refused because they wouldn't let them sell the limited edition at their on site gift shop.

She also mentioned that she and her husband are in the process of moving on and letting someone else live there. They agreed to stay until the historical society locates new keepers. Perhaps that is why HL is making it in the near future. If the historical society has worked out a deal with HL for some funding support despite objections from the keepers, it would explain the timing.

It's a wonderful lighthouse, but wouldn't want to live there. I thought about it, then looked at the parking lot about two or three football fields away across the sand bar, and thought about hauling the groceries across there at low tide. No thanks.

Hope you're right Mike. You can visit it when you come north.

