I proudly display my HL's and show them off to anyone I can, they are impressed with the detail. Everyone that knows me knows that I love lighthouses and that I am very much into lighthouse preservation. But I grew up on the West Coast and it is very hard to get people here in West Tennessee interested in lighthouses. If it doesn't have anything to do with Graceland or hunting, they just are not interested. It makes it difficult to fine any dealers in this area. I bought up everything one dealer had everytime I went into the store, just hoping they would continue to sell HL's. The last couple of times I have been in the store, they have not had any. They have always had an other lighthouse dealer on display. But only had HL's for a short period of time. And a very small selection to chose from. I order everthing from Cape Annies Lighthouse now. I really don't need to see each piece before I buy and I am very happy with the service I recieve. But I just wish I could build up some interest in lighthouses from my neck of the woods.
