Well, being from a state that doesn't have a change of season, I thought the fall foilage was beautiful. The "Fall" Lighthouse was my favorite of the four lighthouses - I thought the ghost was cute, though it wasn't very historical. They should have done a see-through lightkeeper to keep it historically correct. smile The jack-o-laterns and coloring added a wonderful touch to my favorite holiday of the year. I would like to see more Halloween lights, but do think that if they come out every year they would get boring and dull - maybe every two or three years would be enough to keep us interested, keep sales up, and be enough to whet our hunger for "fall" lights.

By the way Tim, I would like to let you know that I finally heard the sound!!! laugh The Wizard of Oz MP3 started on my computer and I just about jumped out of my skin! (I wasn't expecting it!) LOL :p Also, to be completely correct - Dorothy wore Ruby Slippers and traveled to the Emerald City. She didn't wear Emerald Slippers, so HL's would be incorrect if the doll wore "teeny tiny emerald slippers". I wonder if that would make the light more valuable with that mistake?!? :p

Visit: www.floridalighthouses.org