Seeing the fine photo of Turtle Rock lighthouse on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia brings back fond memories. In 1988 I was fortunate enough to be able to have rowed there in the Thomas Eakins Head of the Schuylkill race. It is the largest one day regatta held anywhere in the world featuring over 5000 rowers. Here is a link showing a painting of the famous "Boathouse Row" with the lighthouse attached to the leftmost boathouse:

It was truly a beautiful sight when our boat went out to practice the day before the race. As it's held in the fall when days are shorter the lights that outline each boathouse were on as we returned to the launching area with the skyline of downtown Philadelphia illuminated as well.

For a bunch of over-the-hill rowers to have competed in such a prestigous event along with former and future Olympians was the opportunity of a life time. And we actually finished 3rd in our age group (out of 3 entries!)