Well, Barbara, you just eliminated most everything that made the San Diego reunion so great.

Art, well said.

Barbara, Who are you to make the statement: "Once you become a wacko, we welcome you in general into the fold" - Such an elitist you are. We certainly don't want to welcome the new people into the fold. Right Barbara! You certainly do not speak for these two "wackos".

What happened to the time when we all just exchanged thoughts and ideas because we had a common interest. That was before we allowed the elitism brought on by a software package that had a hierarchy structure. Before a person achieved a rating for how much they talk or if the like talking on forums and, of course, you must use a computer. Ever since the inception of the Wacko status, the thought we have had is if you collect HL's you are a Wacko! If Bill Younger or Kim Andrews were to sign up today, would they be Newbies? I would hate to think that the man who owns the most expensive HL to date and one of the largest collections would be considered any less because he doesn't talk too much, unlike those of us who have achieved the rating. One of his most endearing qualities is that he doesn't talk alot. We certainly would not want to see anything change that.

It is no wonder to us why so many old timers and some newer folks have gotten so fed up with the forum and do not visit here anymore when someone like yourself, Barbara, is obviously in control now - or so you seem to think. We see it in four posts from you in one day alone. We now join the ranks of those no longer present here, brought on by numerous things.

We are done with the stuff we have had to put up with here from people who know how to run a good ship better than it is already running.

Our condolences John and all.

Karen and Michael

[This message has been edited by Michael and Karen Power (edited 06-17-2000).]