The title does not refer to a venue suggestion for the Fourth Reunion (sorry John). It refers to the legend of the phoenix bird.

From the ashes of this controversial Reunion 2001 registration process should arise a better way for the Fourth Reunion. Let's turn our energies here toward the positive and the constructive.

This is not the place to debate the 2001 Reunion registration process. We already have that territory staked out in another thread. Please go visit that other thread if you'd like to vent.

An idea that I have expressed before (and I have heard others echo this recently) deserves, imo, further consideration. Especially considering all the ruffled feathers we have over this year's process:

Do away completely and forever with the phone-in registration. Have a preset period of time (a couple of weeks? a month?) where any interested party could submit an application form, complete with downpayment (credit card information, etc.). At the end of the period, decide who gets what edition number Reunion piece by lottery. If there are applications in excess of space available, decide who gets to go by means of the same lottery. After the lottery is held, notify applicants of their status by mail or e-mail.
Want this to be squeeky clean and above-board? Have the applications sent to a third party and sealed at the deadline. Then hold the lottery in public at the Navy Pier event in Chicago or in Atlanta. To me, a random selection process is the definition of fair. Only someone receiving or expecting preferential treatment can argue with this method (I think).

Any other ideas?

