I don't think a poll will really help much. EVERYONE will say yes...until an exact location, exact date, and exact cost is released. Many who initially said yes would inevitably back out due to the location not being satisfactory, prior committments on those particular dates, or too expensive, etc. How ever many HL could logistically handle would be the critical number. I'm sure as many as they could allow will show up.

HL's choice of location. I think they are receiving plenty of feedback on the favorite locations already.

Society member's first refusal would be OK. I imagine almost all previous reunion attendies were members already though.

Being a previous attendie, I would love to have registration priority. But a free-for-all phone reservation like last year is as fair as it gets. No quotas for me.

Less than 1000 would be my preference (600-800), even if that means I may not make the list. A family gathering is much nicer than a mob gathering. I'm sure I would make a future one eventually, and would hold no grudges, etc. (envy maybe. LOL)

No problem with children attendies. Even though there were quite a few at Providence, I really don't recall seeing many. It is an HL "family" gathering anyways.

Rod Watson
[This message has been edited by Rod Watson (edited 10-26-99).]